Saturday, September 15, 2007

that one moment

They say that laughter is the best medicine. My cure to life’s many conditions, however, is running.

I was feeling tremendously hassled this past week what with approaching college exams, excessive homework, and consistent nights of less than needed amounts of slumber. One night last week, when in the midst of my attempts to study, I could no longer handle the stress, and feeling overwhelmed, I decided to just stop. I needed to put it off for a while and just take my mind elsewhere. That’s when I impulsively put on my sneakers, walked out the door, and ran away. I had no arrangements of how long or far to run, but I didn’t care, I just kept running, and I have to tell you, it was the most blissful relief I have felt in a long time.

My mind was clear of everything. I can’t say that I had even a trickle of thought in operation throughout the whole five mile excursion. It was wonderful. All I could feel was the fresh breeze hitting my face and my feet pattering the ground as they just seemed to keep moving without me telling them to. They were abandoning all priority, strain, and comprehension of worry. My mind simply took a brief meltdown until it was ready to restart and reboot into action once more. It’s what I like to call “the ultimate study break”.

So finally I came back to my functioning world again and felt that the significant release I just encountered was exactly what I needed to help me finish with the rest of that night, week, and whole month for that matter. I happen to be an avid runner, so running is not something new to me. That run was just one of those runs that took me beyond my actual self, where there are no limitations or deprivations. I hope everyone at one point in their life can experience the HIGH…because let me tell you, it really is something.

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