Saturday, October 20, 2007

Why do we gain weight?

Are you that person who spent two hours a day three times a week working and eat nothing but a salad but still gain weight or never loss a noting? Or are you that person who has a friend or relative who eat so much of every thing and never gain weight?

It is very clear that the reason one person gains weight is because of an energy imbalance. And simply in the language of math; weight gain equals to calorie eaten minus calorie burned. When we see this simple linear equation, we would probably say “in that case in order to loss Weight we need to eat less calorie or burn more calories.” Well, in theory it is very well true but not every ones biology and metabolism is similar. Some are resistant to gain weight others aren’t.

According to a study done by Jeff Horowiz an assistant professor of Kinesiology at the University of Michigan; a person with high level of growth in hormone is resistant to gaining weight. The reverse is also true. Horowiz state that the reason hormone helps to resist weight gain is because it increase the activity of body Process which leads to a larger distribution of energy through out the body.

The thing is, although regular exercise helps to increase hormone growth, as we age this voluble part of body process decrease.

Also we can hold our body metabolism accountable for our body weight gain. There are other two more main reasons that are accountable too. Like our environment. To we live in a society who values speed and efficiency; there for a lot of things are not manually monitored and they require less effort. For instances how many of us use the stairs when the elevator is next to it, or how many of us walk on the escalator rather than standing on it and how many of us wake to the TV rather than use the remote control. Perhaps not many of us, the point is unless we make time to exercises, we are not burning in our day to day activities. The other main reason is our life style; what we eat and drink and how active we are. Even if this factor is not an immediate factor, it leads to a gradual weight gain.

Source: University Of Michigan

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