Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Okuma's Chinese Wu-Long Tea

We always heard about green tea and its natural benefits by helping with cancer prevention, diabetes, liver disease, halitosis, and weight loss. It is also believed by some Chinese people to be the key to a longer life.

Recently, a new form of green tea has been introduced to the health world. It’s called Okuma’s Chinese Wu-Long Tea. The benefits? It evidently melts away pounds fast. A CNN news report, Rachael Ray, and other Hollywood celebrities are convinced of and are promoting this new tea. Not only are there personal testimonies about the effects of this tea, there are also 37 scientific studies that provide tangible evidence supporting the claims about it.

Personally, I don’t promote weight loss like this. I think that there are better ways to have a leaner figure; however, I do have a friend who really struggles with her weight and she works out everyday and eats lots of fruits and vegetables. Normally, I would also tell you not to take a supplement or drink that will help you lose weight. Surprisingly, in this case I have not seen a lot of negatives of Wu-Long Tea and since it is all natural and scientifically supported, I say go for it. If you are really struggling with your weight and you need a boost of energy, give this tea a try.

Not only does this tea burn calories for you, it also reduces the fattening effects of carbs, clears your face of acne and clarifies the skin, helps fight signs of aging, enhances teeth strength, boosts your immune system, and promotes brain activity.

If I weren’t a poor college student, I would give this tea a try and let you know what I thought. However, the price of the tea is not bad at all. This really good tea with amazing benefits is sold for only 37 dollars which provides a two month supply. That is fairly reasonable, and I don’t know about you guys, but I believe everything that Rachael Ray says. Ok, maybe not but there are a lot of good testimonies. Click here for more details.

At this site, you can also order the tea from China and explore some more information about it as well its scientific side.

1 comment:

chin said...

I`m exulted that the information that is available on this medicine in http://WWW.WEIGHTLOSSGUIDE.COM to buy a pack of that medicines.This product contains greentea which is helpful to health, and it works good.